How To Apply

Welcome! We are excited that you are considering our school for your child. Our school is a vibrant, dynamic, engaged community of students, parents, and educators who share a passion and mission to create a better, more peaceful world through our Montessori practice and education. This is an immensely joyful time in your family's life and we want to support your excitement and motivation to enroll your child in school by designing our admissions process to be simple and stress-free. We hope you will visit us soon so that we can answer any questions you may have and show you our beautiful school. Thank you for considering us!

Not ready yet? Visit us or contact us to have your questions answered.

Current 2023/24 School Year 

Upcoming 2024/25 School Year 

  • Tours are open now to learn more about our program for the 2024/25 school year and to receive a link to our application.

  • Although our main application deadline has passed, we will continue to accept applications subject to availability.


  1. Schedule a personal tour.

  2. Attend your scheduled tour to see our school in action.

  3. Complete an enrollment application.

  4. Attend the family interview with a member of our admissions team.

Not ready yet? Visit us or contact us to have your questions answered.